Glimmer Monster - by Carmen DaVinleam - Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy/Mystery

My paranormal fantasy novel Glimmer Monster 121K words. It has ghostly vengeance like that from Rin Chupeco’s THE GIRL FROM THE WELL, an afterlife world like THE GOOD PLACE, and tosses in a few serial killers and an anti-hero like Dexter mixed with a reaper like Signa from BELLADONNA who takes care of them.

A strange man tells Ryker Burke that she’s died but refuses to tell her how she met her end. She must agree to do the unthinkable to discover the truth of how she died—and why she’s the only Afterlifer who feels pain. To solve the mystery of her death and find peace in Afterlife, she must agree to reap serial killers. But when her living daughter is kidnapped by a killer Ryker is set to reap, Ryker will have to break every rule to save her—and she’ll have to become a monster to do it.

Glimmer Monster has mystery, serial killers, monsters, slow burn romance, kidnapping, forever friendships, diversity, strong bonds, the love of family, and pain—both physical and emotional. 

The first 3 pages are copied below.

Chapter 1 ~ W T F…?



The ringing in my ears was so loud. I looked over to make sure someone wasn’t blowing a whistle near my head.

No one was there, but I wasn’t standing like I thought either. My body dragged against the ground; loose dirt scraped against my back; my legs were numb. Lights flashed and my head pounded—though stars twinkled in the dark sky above—the lights had been a creation of my own. Something smooth hit my palm—a stone maybe. I closed my hand around it and mud dug its way under my nails. The whistle subsided, and my stomach lurched. I blinked my eyes closed to hold back the vomit I knew was coming.

Fire flashed its way up the back of my neck, like a million tiny bee stings hitting me all at once. I opened my eyes, and I was in a hallway—unsure of how I’d arrived. I lifted my hand to rub at my aching head, but it stopped; my arm wouldn’t obey.

It probably couldn’t understand me because of the noise returning inside my skull.

No—my arms were strapped down.

“R.B., she needs another dose of proph-block,” sounded from my right side. A woman in a shimmering pink gown stood there; attempting to jab a needle into my arm.

I tried to yell—what was she trying to give me—but the sound only came out like a harsh gust of air. My body wouldn’t comply.

The woman jumped back, dropping the syringe. A man I hadn’t known was there laughed and picked it up. “Jumpy newbies,” he chuckled.

The sound of his laughter caused a bomb to explode in my head. He jabbed the needle into my arm releasing whatever fluid it held. Fuck. I hoped it was a drug to stop this incessant pounding. I wanted nothing other than the pain to subside.

I closed my mouth to hold back the liquid that roiled in my stomach like an ocean during a squall. My body was tossed about by waves that were not present while my head tried to calm the storm. I breathed deeply; sucking in air to try and orient myself.

As my lungs filled, the sweet scent of honey seized my nose. My quivering stomach settled, and I opened my eyes. The storm in my head calmed as I stared at the vast lake in front of me. I wanted to grasp onto something, anything other than the pain, but my mind was blank—apart from the agony.

Sunlight poured from puffy white clouds and danced across the surface of crystal-clear waters. The light was too bright, but the rays were warm against my skin. I blinked rapidly a few times and looked around. Magnolia trees and blooming shrubs with pink flowers lined the long shores. Water lapped against the bank. If there was any place where dreams could come true, this would be that place. Though, if there were a coin in my hand, I’d toss it in and wish for this pain to go away.

My aching fingers twitched at the idea of it. They rubbed against a smooth surface. I unclenched my hand. Mud was still present under my first three fingernails, like the others had been cleaned but these had been held down by my thumb. I held a small brown rock, rounded on the top, flat on the bottom. My thumb trailed over it a few times.

I didn’t know where I’d picked it up, but there it was. Smooth and round. The ache in my head quieted and the noise became whispers. I looked around again, noting each time I moved my neck, it sounded like two clay pots scraping together inside my skull. The sound was worse than nails on a chalkboard. As I focused my attention on the whispers, particles of dust floated in the air shaped like people.

Their chatter, however, made me believe I’d gotten that backwards—it was people made of dust.

I squinted to get a better look at one across the lake. It was shaped like a woman, with long flowing dusty hair behind her. Her gaze was focused on me. More voices sounded from behind me.

As I turned the internal fire roared up my neck again. I pressed my hand against it to extinguish the flames. My brow tightened in discomfort, though my heart didn’t pound heavily in my chest. Unending aches and pains plagued me.



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